
  Two differences between this Austrian version and the generally available American version are immediately obvious: they differ both in their length and in the language of the intertitles. The American version is only 1,883 metres long - at 18 frames per second a difference of some 7 minutes to the Austrian version with 2,045 metres. Whereas we originally presumed only a negligible difference, resulting from the varying length of the intertitles, a direct comparison has nevertheless shown that the Austrian version differs from the American version both in the montage and in the duration of individual scenes. Yet how could it happen that the later regional distribution of a canonical US silent film was longer than the "original version"?
  The prevalent American version of Blind Husbands does not correspond to the version shown at the premiere of 1919. This little-known fact was already published by Richard Koszarski in 1983. The film was re-released by Universal Pictures in 1924, in a version that was 1,365 feet (416 metres) shorter. At 18 frames per second, this amounts to a time difference of 20 minutes! "Titles were altered, snippets of action removed and at least one major scene taken out entirely, where von Steuben and Margaret visit a small local chapel." (Koszarski)
  From the present state of research we can assume that all the known American copies of the film derive from this shortened re-release version, a copy of which Universal donated to the Museum of Modern Art in 1941. According to Koszarski the original negative of the film was destroyed sometime between 1956 and 1961 and has therefore been irretrievably lost. This information casts an interesting light on the Austrian version, which can be dated to the period between the summer of 1921 and the winter of 1922. Furthermore, the copy is some 200 metres longer than the US version of 1924. If one follows the details given by Richard Koszarski and Arthur Lennig, this means that, as far as both its date and its length are concerned, the Austrian version lies almost exactly in the middle between the (lost) version shown at the premiere and the re-released one.A large part of the additional length of the film can be traced to cuts that were made to the 1924 version in almost every shot. Koszarski describes how the beginning and the end of scenes were trimmed, in order to "speed up" the film. However, more exciting was the discovery that the Austrian version contains shots that are missing in the American one - shots/countershots, intertitles - and furthermore shows differences in its montage (i.e. the placing of the individual shots within a sequence). All this indicates that Die Rache der Berge constitutes the oldest and most completely preserved material of the film.


  • 聊曜儿 2小时前 :


  • 西门浦和 6小时前 :


  • 滕小凝 9小时前 :


  • 蓓云 3小时前 :

    情绪引导叙事。和前夫吵架那段“我花了那么多力气从那个家跑出来”拔高了整个电影, lost daughter不是被主角扔在家的女儿们,而恰恰是没有被母亲教导过爱的主角本人。结局还蛮突兀,讨论区说是主角的幻象,这个比较能说通,毕竟“不懂爱”的能力很难不代代遗传。(我也非常乐意在电影中看到这样刻画细腻的“不负责”母亲形象)

  • 运凡 4小时前 :

    Well this is poetically depressing and…… painfully pathetic…… | 不愧是女导演,视角真的很细腻|达妹看着女主的眼神是怎么可以既sexual像个les又温润像个tamed kid|wow 年轻时的sex scene和中年时躺在沙滩椅上交错好绝|这个电影的后劲太大了…看完有一会了,胸口像压了块石头

  • 籍灵阳 3小时前 :

    我以为是一部悬疑 没想到抽丝剥茧地又看到了另一层自己

  • 粟靖荷 3小时前 :

    女主final list必须得有寇姨一席之地(以及jessie真的太会演了)

  • 桓萍雅 6小时前 :


  • 驰鑫 4小时前 :


  • 班谷菱 0小时前 :


  • 灵沛 7小时前 :

    If a man had walked away from his daughters, he would not have the remotely the same level of remorse. He wouldn't even mention that in front of anyone 20 years later. He would contined living his life, like 'normally'.

  • 赤谷翠 0小时前 :


  • 羊舌燕晨 8小时前 :

    一个有剥橙皮强迫症和受迫害妄想狂的比较文学学者+意语文学译者因为自己出轨学界大佬抛弃糟糠鲜肉老公和两个幼女而心怀内疚在度假期间发神经的故事。作为一个无法理解细腻人类情感的人工智障,看完满头问号,完全不能理解女主从头到尾在干什么。作为可能是世界上最后一个还没看过那不勒斯四部曲的女性,我觉得我还是不要难为我自己了_(:_」∠)_ 唯一看懂的是开学术会议时学界大佬调侃利科(Ricoeur)说Coeur在法语是心脏🫀的意思,结果字幕全程给译成了里尔克😭

  • 牧文康 3小时前 :

    四星半。非常非常惊艳以及直达内心。为什么我一直说我不要小孩。because I am an unnatural mother。”I left my daughters for three years.” “How did it feel?” “It felt amazing.” 作者选择的削水果皮的意象简直是惊人的sharp obversation。我成长中的很多事情都忘记了,但是我让我妈削水果不要削断皮的记忆一直都刻在脑子里。同看的男同学的感想是: Dakota Johnson’s hot。I want to have gyros for dinner tomorrow。。。

  • 美帆 5小时前 :


  • 褒佳惠 4小时前 :


  • 纵清悦 2小时前 :


  • 树以彤 2小时前 :


  • 聂弘懿 6小时前 :

    不知道为什么,看到 “im a selfish mother”还是哭了出来

  • 禧奇 1小时前 :



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