鬼门太极电影完整版 高清

9.0 推荐

分类: 动作片 1994

导演: 袁秋枫


  ◎译  名 太极门
  ◎片  名 Duel at the Supreme Gate
  ◎年  代 1968
  ◎国  家 中国香港
  ◎类  别 动作/剧情
  ◎语  言 普通话
  ◎字  幕 英文
  ◎IMDB评分 5.9/10 (11 votes)
  ◎IMDB链接 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0884747
  ◎文件格式 XviD + MP3
  ◎视频尺寸 608 x 256
  ◎文件大小 1CD 49 x 15MB
  ◎片  长 01:31:06
  ◎导  演 袁秋枫 Qiufeng Yuan
  ◎主  演 雷震 Kelly Lai Chen  ....Sun Tai Yong
  乐蒂 Di Le  ....Yuk Bin
  张扬 Yang Zhang  ....Nam Chee
  周小来 Siu Loi Chow
  郝履仁 Ho Lee Yan
  石坚 Shih Kien  ....Kuan (as Kin Sek)
  任浩 Ho Yam
  ◎简  介
  After a troublesome misunderstanding with several students, Bin
  receives the pill she needs from the Sky King's senior student
  Chee Chun Nam but returns too late to save her master. What's
  worse, it is revealed that she is actually the killer's daughter and
  therefore can no longer reside at Supreme Gate as a clan rule. Even
  defending the clan from a challenge by former clansman Sun Tai Yong is
  not enough to persuade them to let her stay.
  Bin becomes an unarmed outcast but not for long. Nam, who has trailed
  her all the way to the Supreme Gate, has fallen in love with the
  distraught swordswoman and offers her a golden flute sword for
  protection. She next is warily convinced to join Yong in meeting her
  real father who locks her away with the stolen clan items when she
  refuses to join him. Bin escapes and attempts to return the weapons
  to her clan but Yong intercepts them. Furious at his daughter's
  actions, Kuan goes on the warpath. He strikes Bin with his deadly Icy
  Press attack and stalks off in search of Yong and the stolen weapons.
  From here the story takes on a more interesting dramatic turn as Bin
  recovers with the aid of the Sky King but is left blinded by the
  attack and unwilling to accept aid from Nam. Through various dramatic
  turns, Nam refuses to give up and finally tricks her into accepting
  his care. He eventually trains her to adapt her swordsmanship to
  fighting blind. This predictably comes in handy when she returns to the
  Supreme Gate to once again aid her former clan folk by dueling the new
  master of the Magic Mirror, a weapon designed to blind its victims with
  bright light so that the attacker can use the dagger-sized Golden Sword
  to break though their defenses.


  • 邱若雁 8小时前 :


  • 阴蓝尹 4小时前 :


  • 闾听筠 9小时前 :

    tick、tick,不仅为急于成功者、绝症病患而响,它是如此公正,以至于每一个人耳边,都应该响着这样的声音——生命苦短,快去做你想要完成的事吧,「黒髪の色 褪せぬ間に,

  • 贰嘉容 0小时前 :

    And that's life,isn't it ?Getting past the unexpected.

  • 普灵慧 9小时前 :


  • 随运菱 2小时前 :


  • 魏乐天 3小时前 :


  • 欧阳雪卉 4小时前 :

    导演从一开始就很想呈现一种又燃又爆炸的氛围,但我从头到尾都没燃起来,甚至有点不耐烦。首先29岁的巨婴真的有点讨人嫌,虽然他真的很有才华啦但跟这种人相处一定会非常累;其次全片把当时的政治环境和酷儿群体的遭遇变成模糊的背景板,我觉得很不可,有好几次明明已经可以把叙事切进去了,又突然生生拔出来,回归最传统的励志叙事,我觉得这极大削弱了故事本身的层次。我不是说这部电影不够励志,是最终呈现出来的这份励志非常单薄,是“年度十大励志人物小传”的那种单薄。而且作为一个顺性别白人直男来说,29岁有什么好焦虑的?对成功的执念太深了啦……另外,太浪费Mj Rodriguez了,就不能多加点戏?

  • 环醉冬 3小时前 :

    不是我的菜,跟la la land比不是一个量级的。歌很一般,没啥记忆点,调度也没亮点,林的《汉密尔顿》我就不感冒,这部也一样。

  • 楠梦 4小时前 :


  • 邦安 6小时前 :

    Movie of the year. A blessing for any theatre/musical lover or idealist. Story about 90s, Broadway, New York, creativity, love, fear, time, and life. Don’t mind Lin’s rusty directing, the emotions are so raw. R.I.P. Stephen Sondheim, who passed away just after the release of this film. We all have, and will always have a song unsung.

  • 树正平 2小时前 :


  • 美鸿 7小时前 :

    加菲有追求,有前途~ 虽然现在看着还有点像表演工作室的学生…故事好美,每一个Jon人生中的时刻都牵动人心,但LMM这种快剪真的是看着好难受…可能老了受不了这么多又晃又快切的镜头。这是theatre没法剪辑后遗症么,能拍电影了就疯狂切镜头?

  • 栋爵 7小时前 :


  • 闭昆鹏 0小时前 :

    好一般… 白男first world problems+look我有minority friends。太奇怪了 不知道是剧本有改动还是咋回事 很难想象rent的作者写出这么自怜自艾的东西…

  • 谷振 4小时前 :


  • 腾祯 3小时前 :


  • 锦沛 1小时前 :


  • 昔雨筠 3小时前 :


  • 鲜于建德 2小时前 :

    拍摄手法和呈现普普通通… 想要了解Larson到底是个怎么样的天才的朋友还是去看看Rent吧…


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