
  Because I could not stop for Death, he kindly stopped for me; the carriage held but just ourselves and immortality” – Emily Dickinson
  If Death took a holiday, the guns would go silent in Iraq, the slaughter on our nation’s highways would cease, and the news media would be compelled to cover positive events in the humanities, arts, and sciences. Unfortunately, Death has not had a vacation in recorded history, but Mitchell Leisen’s 1934 fantasy, Death Takes a Holiday, allows us to consider the possibility. Co-written by Maxwell Anderson and Gladys Lehman and based on the play "La Morte in Vacanza" by Alberto Casella, Death Takes a Holiday stars Frederic March as the Grim Reaper who takes on human form in an attempt to discover why men fear him so much. Why he has waited 5,000 years to satisfy this curiosity is not explained.
  [Spoiler] After a brief tryout as a shadowy figure who scares the daylights out of those that cross his path, Death shows up at, of all places, an upscale party at an Italian villa, posing as the mysterious Prince Sirki. Only one person knows who he really is, the host Duke Lambert (Guy Standing), and he is sworn to secrecy. Sirki proceeds to fascinate the guests. Given to bursts of wit and poetry, he can just as quickly turn sullen and threatening, and some soon find out that it is better not to look too deeply into his eyes. During the three days in which the Prince is at the villa, however, people all over the world miraculously escape death and potential suicides are doomed to frustration.
  To see what’s behind all the conversation about love, the suave but naïve Prince Sirki falls for the irresistible Grazia (Evelyn Venable), the daughter of one of Duke’s friends. Grazia knows who Death is but does not fear him, much to the chagrin of her fiancé, Corrado (Kent Taylor) who has developed a strong disdain for Prince Charming.
  More sinister than Brad Pitt in the 1998 remake Meet Joe Black, March turns in a very convincing performance as the creepy yet strangely appealing guest. Although the ending is melodramatic, the emotions are very real and the suggestion that Death may in reality be a friend disguised as a foe is quite touching.
  (Howard Schumann, talkingpix.co.uk)
  In this wearisome and predictable plot line, Death falls in love and bores us to death talking about it.
  (Dennis Schwartz, homepages.sover.net)
  I've heard DRACULA was advertised with the tag line "The Weirdest Love Story ever told!" (this is probably a paraphrase), but at heart, I've never felt that you could honestly call that movie a love story. The tag line would be much more appropriate for this one, since it ultimately boils down to what amounts to a love story. This movie is very good indeed, particularly if you consider that it is built around a concept that could have easily been handled in a cute or facile manner. Instead, it is handled as seriously as possible, with some real thought put into how death would try to come to terms with a life and an outlook that was to that point totally unfamiliar to him; much of the credit does go to Fredric March in the title role. It's quite scary when it needs to be, particularly during the first twenty minutes. From then on, it deals with its themes with subtlety, a quiet wit, an enduring sadness, and an everpresent tension on how Death might react if crossed. It's not perfect; some of the dialogue is self-conscious and artificial, as if the writers knew they were dealing with weighty issues and were trying to be profound. But I am certainly glad they didn't try to turn it into a musical comedy of sorts.
  (Dave Sindelar, scifilm.org)
  See also the remake: Death Takes A Holiday (1971)


  • 壬元明 8小时前 :


  • 乘含莲 3小时前 :


  • 卫瑞方 3小时前 :


  • 宇文宏毅 8小时前 :


  • 律初兰 3小时前 :


  • 婧蓓 7小时前 :


  • 初采 1小时前 :


  • 卫明明 3小时前 :

    be a man,be a super-man

  • 己澎湃 3小时前 :

    visually irresistible 关于艺术家创作的思考很好,关于技术主义的探讨仅是蜻蜓点水

  • 拓跋依瑶 8小时前 :

    当柯南伯格不再是那个道具horror B级片的感觉时,就没内味儿了

  • 坚云泽 7小时前 :


  • 振谷 2小时前 :


  • 初格 4小时前 :

    进阶版《感官游戏》(或可称《感官行为艺术》)。但很不讨喜的是,柯南伯格式的高密度不是那种有景深的递进,只是将一堆元素作致密堆积——你总能碰撞出点什么,但这很不聪明。(我相信这总能引导出数十篇医学伦理学和身体哲学or现象学论文吧,但是 唔…只能说它是个富矿。)导演像是那个随便长点什么的器官艺术家,we批评者需要对此解剖出一些个作品(小K那话根本是斯坦纳的翻版“要是能做好的文学家 谁会想做批评家!” 烦死啦咱们二手加工商)。《云游》里将身体/验尸美学和旅行文学并置,营造出内外探索的平衡。本质都是认知的增加:前者强调阅历的积累,这里突出感受阈的扩大。感受方式的迭代必将引发新型人际关系。但在多大程度上,以old sex或进食习性为代表的传统应当被留存?其意义又在何处?

  • 卫灵轩 4小时前 :

    实在看不到任何导演的才华,就是把一个idea用干瘪的对话包装出了100分钟的视频 ,除了一点点猎奇的画面外,大部分时间都在进行不知所云的正反打念台词,抛了一堆莫名其妙的设定也讲不出东西。Viggo和Léa都带来了上佳的表演,但和导演有什么关系我很怀疑。

  • 丘晨旭 9小时前 :

    #Cannes 75# 越来越觉得有一些电影着眼探索的已经不是(或不仅是)电影本身(as art / product) ,而是电影跟观众的关系,电影如何push观众去探索观影体验的边界。看的时候就在想:这片太「柏林」了,应该在柏林首映。

  • 勾悦媛 8小时前 :


  • 华翰 5小时前 :


  • 南天韵 9小时前 :

    应该是离戛纳最近的一次了吧,片名出现的时候简直想尖叫,这么快就公映了,荷兰人真有你的!如果surgery is the new sex的意思就是在无意义和痛苦中寻找意义的话还是蛮酷的,但是结尾莫名其妙转到基因修正这种把人工具化的old sex,最后真正在践行new sex的只有主角两人了吧。当代艺术一旦卷起来就很无聊了。Whatever,如果这代导演只剩一个酷小孩的话那一定是柯南伯格!

  • 奚依琴 3小时前 :

    身体本就被塞满了隐喻 而高概念的设定将这种隐喻的作用无限放大 进化出的无用器官是疾病的延伸 人类与疾病(自然规律)的抗争行为被赋予政治 艺术 哲学的意义 肉身的痛苦缩小数倍直至可被忽略 但来自虚空意义的痛苦时刻放置在影像的正中 柯南伯格专门塑造出一个世界来讲述概念 讲述的力度再小一点还会更好

  • 东门若骞 6小时前 :



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